Word Alive! - Reflections on Bible
  Let God Lead
by Dr. Paulson Pulikkottil


The two accounts of David's victory over the Philistines found in 2 Samuel 5:22-25 and 1 Chron. 14:13-17 describe a decisive event in his life. This was his first victory over the Philistine as the King of Israel. The Philistines had come to battle determined to overthrow the newly elected king of Israel. Thus it was a battle that was decisive not only for David as an individual but for Israel as a nation. A defeat in this battle would mean a different course of history for the people of God. However, the day was David's and he reigned in Israel as King for some decades and kept the Philistines under check.

     The secret of David's success was not in superior military maneuvers but a very simple one: He just waited for the Lord to go ahead of him. The battle had to be fought by him, and he may have even suffered some casualties but the victory was certain because David allowed the army of the Lord to march ahead of him.

     Letting God take the lead is an important Christian principle.

     The story of the man who asked for God's protection as he drove along the motor way illustrates the point. As he started the long journey on the motor way he asked God to send his angel ahead of him to protect him. He felt God had heard his prayer and expperienced the angels protection. However, once he entered the motor way he could hardly resist the temptation to cross the speed limit. He met with a serious accident. Recovering in the hospital he shouted at God: "You promised to send your guardian angels ahead of me to protect me. Where was your angel when I crashed into that truck?" He heard the gentle voice of God: "Son, I did send my guardian angel, and he was ahead of you clearing the way for you. But, once you entered the motor way, soon you were driving at a speed that the angel could not keep pace with you. Before he could get ahead of you and clear the truck from your way you had already rammed into it."

     Our God is willing to go ahead of us if we let him. The Book of Isaiah chapter 40 tells that the people of God who were in Exile are to return and that their God will lead them out of bondage to freedom. Yahweh forgives and gives them a new beginning by leading his people. Years ago, in their history, God had led them throughout their wilderness journey- a journey from slavery to freedom. Exodus 40:34-38 mentions God leading by the pillar of fire at night and the cloud by day 'throughout their journey.' Many centuries later, God was willing to do that again by bringing his people out from Babylon. He will do that again for us now if we only allow.

     To be led by God, first of all we must be willing to follow, or let God take the lead in our lives. Christian life is trekking on the wildest side, the thickest wood and scorching desert. God is willing to take the risk of being the leader in all such situations and making the way for us through the most difficult conditions and we just need to follow him. It is our hurry and impatience that gets us into trouble. Let 's wait for God and his time.


  Letting God take the lead is an important Christian principle.  

  Our God is willing to go ahead of us if we let him. To be led by God, first of all we must be willing to follow, or let God take the lead in our lives.  

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